If Children are not Crying the Church is Dying
Without our kids, we do not have our future.
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On this blog, we write about the Orthodox Church and her teachings and practices, and cultural traditions in the Serbian Orthodox community.
Without our kids, we do not have our future.
In our first installment of “Let me introduce you to Saint …” blog, I want to introduce an Athonite Saint whose name is Joseph of Vatopedi.
What is the purpose of a vigil lamp? Why should we have one in our homes?
The reception of the communion in the Early Church was very different from what we are experiencing now.
Every Christian household needs Moses; someone who will sacrifice himself for the benefit of everyone.
Why is cremation forbidden in the Orthodox Church?
All in all, in the Eastern Orthodox Church, our preparation for death does not start with “the last rites” but starts from the very beginning of our lives.
The goal of this short blog is to briefly explain what roles the different clergyman have.
Where does the tradition of sourdough prosfora come from?
An excerpt on the views of the Orthodox Church on abortion from the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America: “On the Sacredness of Human Life and its Untimely Termination”
A prayer rope can be a great aid in our prayer if we know how to use it.
In today’s blog, we will address the problem of pre-marital sex both practically and theologically so that we can understand better the why behind the Orthodox Church’s no to pre-marital relations.
What is our parish slava? How do we celebrate it?
Slava is an extension to the liturgical celebration. The best way to prepare for slava is to have confession and receive communion.
Whatever is lukewarm, has nothing to do with Christ nor with Orthodoxy…… Therefore, let us cling to the bitter Orthodox Truth!
There are a few misconceptions about offering candles in the Church which we have to be aware of.
I will pray at home…I don’t have to come to Church!
Through God’s sheer grace and omnipresence, this unity is not that hard to achieve.
The parish is not just a group of random people who happen to attend or belong to a certain Church.
Stewardship and Christianity in the 21st Century
What are the fasting periods? What are the levels of fasting?
Every Orthodox Christian knows that fasting is mandated by the Church for ourown good. In no way can we fight passions or any kind of
How many times did you hear a comment from someone who says: Why do those priests wear those funny skirts?
What is the story behind this unusual icon?
What do these words from the pre-communion prayer mean?
As Orthodox Christians, we find that we fast more than half the year. Why?
Who is the Mother of God? What does her icon tell us about her?
If we truly understand the meaning of Christ’s victory over death and the exodus of us Christians from death to life, we should not allow that the celebration of the feast of all feasts happen at times that we have tailored for our own weakness but we should respect and follow what Christians have been doing throughout the ages.
Why do we celebrate the Sunday of Orthodoxy? Click here to find out more, and to see pictures from last week’s celebration!
Without the antimension, a priest cannot serve the liturgy. Click here to learn more about this ‘table cloth’
Our St. Nicholas Church in Monroeville is blessed to have two very important relics. Learn about them in this post!
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