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Reminder: June – August Sunday Liturgy at 9AM


On this blog, we write about the Orthodox Church and her teachings and practices, and cultural traditions in the Serbian Orthodox community.

Pre-marital Relations

In today’s blog, we will address the problem of pre-marital sex both practically and theologically so that we can understand better the why behind the Orthodox Church’s no to pre-marital relations.

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The Timing of the Paschal Celebration

If we truly understand the meaning of Christ’s victory over death and the exodus of us Christians from death to life, we should not allow that the celebration of the feast of all feasts happen at times that we have tailored for our own weakness but we should respect and follow what Christians have been doing throughout the ages.

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Sunday of Orthodoxy

Why do we celebrate the Sunday of Orthodoxy? Click here to find out more, and to see pictures from last week’s celebration!

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The Antimension

Without the antimension, a priest cannot serve the liturgy. Click here to learn more about this ‘table cloth’

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